Photography Exhibit

Join us for the OKLAHOMANMADE Architecture Photography Exhibit where we’ll reveal the winners of this year’s competition. Light snacks and drinks will be available.

Wednesday, April 17
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
2220 N. Classen Blvd., Suite A, OKC





1. All entrants must complete an entry form and upload the entry. Link provided below. Files may not exceed 15 MB in size and must be entered as a JPG, PNG or TIFF format. Photos must be sized to print in 8×10 format. OCFA is not responsible for mistakes in printing files that aren't sized properly. OCFA will print and frame the photographs in 8 x 10 for display and judging.

2. Entries must have been exposed by, and owned by, the entrant.

3. The subject matter must have an architectural theme or must contain some element of the manmade environment and be located in the State of Oklahoma. Photographic interpretation of the subject matter is what will be judged, not the architecture.

4. All photographs should accurately reflect the subject matter and the scene as it appeared. Photos that have been digitally altered beyond standard optimization will be disqualified. Acceptable: adjustments to color, contrast, brightness and sharpness; removal of dust and scratches; cropping; black and white conversions; and the use of HDR (high dynamic range imaging), where multiple exposures of the same scene are combined for greater tonal range. Not acceptable: photo composites (combination of two or more photos, not the same scene); the addition, duplication, deletion or moving of objects in the photos; or the use of artistic digital filters and effects. Examples of artistic filters and effects are watercolor, neon glow, posturizing, stained glass, and others which do not show the scene in its natural way.

5. Entry fee for each image for General and Professional Photographer is $20 for OKC Foundation for Architecture Members and $35 for nonmembers. K-12 Students $5, College Students $10. There is a maximum of 5 entries per person.

6. Categories are:

Oklahoma Students (K-12 & College)
Professional Photographer

7. Awards include:
– General: 1st Place $200, 2nd Place, $100 3rd Place $50
– Professional Photographer : 1st Place $200, 2nd Place, $100 3rd Place $50
– Oklahoma Students: 1st Place $100, 2nd Place $75, 3rd Place $50
– People's Choice (voting across all images as determined by votes during the AIA Architecture Tour): $75

8. Judges will include an Oklahoma City Foundation for Architecture Board Member, an Architect and a Professional Photographer.

9. Entrant grants permission to the Oklahoma City Foundation for Architecture (and its partner AIA Central Oklahoma) to reproduce images for exhibition, publications and for promotional purposes with proper photo credit. These reproductions will become property of the Oklahoma City Foundation for Architecture. The photographer will maintain rights to his or her original work.

10. The decisions of the judges are final on all matters relating to the competition.

11. Submission of the image(s) implies entrants acceptance to all of the above conditions.

12. All entries will be exhibited during the AIA Architecture Tour on Saturday, April 13th and the winners will be awarded at a small reception on Wednesday, April 17th at the AIA / OCFA Office at 2220 N. Classen Blvd., Suite A.

13. The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 15, 2024.

14. Questions? Please email to



If you difficulty with the forms or payment, please email to