Tour the First Americans Museum
We're excited to announce our first OCFA Tour of 2022! Join us for a tour of the First Americans Museum led by one of the architects of the project, Anthony Blatt, AIA of Blatt Architects (formerly Hornbeek Blatt Architects).
First Americans Museum (FAM) celebrates the 39 Native Nations within the State of Oklahoma. Located on a reclaimed oil field site on the intersection of I-35 and I-40, the project commenced in 1997. The selected design team remained constant with the project after many financial delays, finishing the final construction phase in 2021. The design of the 175,000 sq. ft. building/site showcases themes consistent for all the tribes, without disproportionate promotion of any specific group, and for this reason the building materials are a simple palette: glass, steel, wood and concrete, organized in a series of radian geometries. These geometries are consistently accepted among the Native Nations, speaking to the spiritual significance of the unending circular forms from which life originates, continues and begins anew.
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
5:30 p.m.
First Americans Museum
659 First Americans Blvd., OKC 73129
Attendance is limited and advance registration is required. Masks are required for all tour attendees.
$5 for OKC Foundation for Architect Members (Not sure if you're a current member? Click Here)
$15 for nonmember guests